1. IDENTITY AND ADDRESS OF THE RESPONSIBLE. 1ero Trader LLC, (hereinafter "1ero Trader"), with web site, is responsible for the use and protection of your Personal Data, and in this regard, we inform you as follows:
2. INFORMATION COLLECTED FROM THE OWNERS (PERSONAL DATA SUBJECT TO TREATMENT). To carry out the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, we will use the following Personal Data: I. Full name, place and date of birth, nationality, gender, address, cell phone number, e-mail. II. Full name, address, telephone number, e-mail, age, gender, place and date of birth, and if applicable, official identification of the user of the 1ero Trader platform, as well as information of your credit card.
3. PURPOSES OF THE TREATMENT OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA. The Personal Data we collect from you will be used for the following purposes: I. Analysis of statistics and investment patterns of the users of 1ero Trader. II. Identify patterns, failures and interests in the different tools that are intended to be offered in the platform of 1ero Trader. III. To issue recommendations and suggestions IV. Prepare a diary of the transactions carried out through 1ero Trader. V. Construction of simulations based on the transactions carried out. VI. Preparation of personalized emotional evaluations. VII. Statistics related to the transactions performed. VIII. Personalization of the tools and functions IX. For marketing, advertising, or commercial prospecting purposes by physical or electronic means, either personally or through third parties. With the purpose of offering a better service, 1ero Trader will carry out an emotional and personality test at the moment of creating an account in 1ero Trader, in order to determine the profile of each investor and offer the most adequate and convenient tools according to his/her profile.
4. TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA. 1ero Trader will not share your Personal Data collected with third parties, whether physical or moral, without your consent. The above will not be applicable when 1ero Trader must share your Personal Data by virtue of a requirement made by a competent authority.
You have the right to know what personal information we have about you, what we use it for and the conditions of the use we make of it (Access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we remove it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used properly (Cancellation); as well as to oppose the use of your Personal Data for specific purposes (Opposition). The exercise of ARCO rights is regulated by the Personal Data protection laws of the country of the Data Holder. In order to exercise any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective request in writing to 1ero Trader by e-mail.
You may contact the Personal Data Department, of 1ero Trader, to solve doubts or comments regarding your procedure(s), as well as to process the ARCO rights requests through the following means:
I. Free writing addressed to the Personal Data Department whose e-mail address is the following: Regarding the procedure and requirements for the exercise of your ARCO rights, we inform you of the following: The Holder of the Personal Data must submit his/her request for the exercise of ARCO rights through a free writing or by e-mail sent to the addresses indicated above. The request for the exercise of ARCO rights must comply with the following requirements: I. The full name and address of the ARCO Rights Holder. II. E-mail to communicate the response to the ARCO Rights request. III. Documents proving your identity or that of your legal representative. IV. The clear and precise description of the Personal Data in respect of which you seek to exercise your rights, and: V. Any other element that facilitates the location of the data Holder’s Personal Data. If the Holder or his attorney-in-fact does not meet the above mentioned requirements or the information provided in the corresponding request is insufficient or erroneous to comply with it, the Personal Data Department of 1ero Trader may require them only once within 5 (FIVE) business days after receiving the request, so that the Holder submits them within 10 (TEN) business days from the following day in which such requirement was received. If no answer is given within such a term, the respective request will be considered as not submitted.
1ero Trader, will communicate the answer to the request of the exercise of the ARCO Rights to the Personal Data Holder, by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the Holder in its request, in a maximum term of 20 (TWENTY) calendar days, counted from the reception of the request of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition; the adopted determination, in order that such determination becomes effective within the following 15 calendar days.
These terms may be extended for an equal period when, at the discretion of 1ero Trader, the circumstances of the case justify it.
1ero Trader will comply with a request of access to its Personal Data, making available to the Holder of the Personal Data or its representative, previous accreditation of its identity, the documents where the required Personal Data is contained, either by means of photostatic copies, a Compact Disc containing such information, a USB device or any other means determined by 1ero Trader.
6. MECHANISM TO REVOKE THE CONSENT OBTAINED BY 1ERO TRADER FOR THE PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA. You may revoke the consent that if the case may be, you have given us for the processing of your Personal Data. Also, you should consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will mean that we can no longer provide the service you requested, or the termination of your relationship with us. To revoke your consent, you must submit the respective request in writing addressed to 1ero Trader or by e-mail. You may contact the Personal Data Department of 1ero Trader, to solve doubts or comments regarding your procedure(s), as well as to process the requests of revocation of the consent obtained by 1ero Trader for the treatment of your Personal Data, through the following means:
I. Free writing addressed to the Personal Data Department, at E-mail: Regarding the procedure and requirements for the revocation of your consent, we inform you of the following:
The Personal Data Holder must submit his/her request for revocation of consent through free writing or by e-mail sent to the addresses indicated above. The request for revocation of consent must comply with the following requirements:
I. The full name and address of the Personal Data Holder. II. E-mail to communicate the response to the request for revocation of consent. III. Documents proving your identity or that of your legal representative. IV. The request to revoke your consent, and: V. Any other element that facilitates the location of the Data Holder's Personal Data.
If the Data Holder or his attorney-in-fact does not meet the aforementioned requirements or the information provided in the corresponding request is insufficient or erroneous to fulfill it, the Personal Data Department may request them only once within 5 (FIVE) business days following the receipt of the request, so that the Data Holder submits them within 10 (TEN) business days as of the day following the day in which such request is received. If no answer is given within such a term, the respective request will be considered as not submitted. 1ero Trader, will communicate the response to the request of revocation of consent to the Personal Data Holder, by means of e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the Holder in its request, within a maximum term of 20 (TWENTY) calendar days, counted from the date of receiving the request of revocation of consent, the adopted determination, in order for such determination to become effective within the following 15 calendar days.
7. LIMITATIONS ON THE USE OR DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer you the following means: You may contact the Personal Data Department, of 1ero Trader, to resolve doubts or comments regarding your procedure(s), through the following means: I. Free writing addressed to the Personal Data Department, whose e-mail address is the following:
8. COOKIES, WEB BEACONS, AND OTHER TECHNOLOGIES. "Cookies" are data files that are stored on the hard disk of a user's computer equipment or electronic communications device when browsing a specific Internet site, which allows status information to be exchanged between said site and the user's browser. The status information may reveal means of session identification, authentication, or user preferences, as well as any data stored by the browser with respect to the website.
We inform you that on our website we use cookies, web beacons or other technologies, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, as well as to provide you with a better experience when browsing our website. The Personal Data we collect through these technologies, we will use them for the following purposes:
I. For marketing, advertising, or commercial prospecting purposes by physical or electronic means, either personally or through third parties. The Personal Data we obtain from these tracking technologies are the following: I. Identifiers, username and passwords of a session, user's preferred language, region in which the user is located, IP address, type of user's browser, type of user's operating system and configuration, date and time of the start and end of a user's session, searches performed by a user, advertisements reviewed by a user, lists and consumption habits on shopping pages.
These technologies may be disabled according to the instructions that each company that owns the browsers (browser or internet viewer) has implemented to activate and deactivate the aforementioned "Cookies".
9. CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY NOTICE. This Privacy Notice may be modified, changed, or updated due to new legal requirements; our own needs for the tools we offer; our privacy practices; changes in our business model, or other causes. We are committed to keep you informed about the changes that this Privacy Notice may undergo, through publication in our website, so we recommend you visit it periodically, or through communication to the Personal Data Holder, electronically or by any other means.
10. CONSENT I consent to the processing of my Personal Data in accordance with the terms and conditions informed in this Privacy Notice.

1eroTrader provides assessments, videos, links or other knowledge resources for informational purposes only. Anything said should NOT be taken as a replacement for financial advice. If you take any action or inaction because of any of the content you consume on 1eroTrader platform, this is based solely on your decision, and 1eroTrader cannot be held liable for any of the consequences of such action or inaction. In no event will 1eroTrader be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information of this SITE or for any consequential or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

Accessing or otherwise using the emotional and psychological resources does not create a therapist-patient relationship between you and 1eroTrader. Nothing in 1eroTrader is intended to establish a therapist-patient relationship or to replace the services of a trained therapist, health professional, or otherwise to substitute for professional mental health, diagnosis, or treatment. It is just for informational purposes only.

Last update: November 3, 2022